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Monday, November 26, 2012
 Birthday Girl..............

Birthday Girl..............

This is how 22 looks like,HAHAHA!
     Am just so grateful for the blessings that God has showered me throughout my life..........i have a great Family,great friends and a great life because of him.
     Am also so grateful to my mother,my sweet sweet mother for raising me to be the way i am today...She's my role model and my everything, Its gonna be an honor if i turn out even a half of what she is !She has inspired me to be a strong,independent and a dependable woman..... with a motto "everything is possible if you set your mind do it" .Inshort its a blessing to have her in my life as a role model and as a mother...Thank you mother

Geek + Chic

Geek + Chic

 All it takes is a nice blazer,cute bow tie and  a nice pair of geek specs...........those are like the basics of pulling off a geek look...................

                                        Love Lynllel
Friday, November 23, 2012
Fashion +1 : Birthday Wishes

Fashion +1 : Birthday Wishes

Today is my one and only brother's born day. He's the first born in a family of two children,that means am the last born (kitinda mimba)..lol! but don't let it fool you am not getting any special treatment.
 I just wanna wish him a happy birthday today and happy life in general cause he deserves all the good things that life can offer and i also wanna thank him for always been there and always setting good examples for me.
We annoy each other most of the times but that's what makes us siblings and that whats makes us miss each other when we are far form each other (One of those people you cant live with or live without).......
He's the number one supporter of this blog and for that i thank him,often likes to challenge my fashion sense which is good but at the end of the day he always supports me....

So fashion +1 with lynllel would like to wish FRANKLIN MOLLEL a HAPPY BIRTHDAY ..........mad love for you brother.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Graduation It Is..

Graduation It Is..

Today's post is inspired by the upcoming S.A.U.T graduation which will take place on Saturday 24th 2012.I feel so proud when i see my fellow youth achieving their goals and that they have worked hard to achieve what they wanted to achieve,this shows that we are one step further from achieving even greater goals...

I hope people going to the graduation even the graduate themselves will be inspired with my posting today....:)


love Lynllel
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Fashion +1 : Pic of the day

Fashion +1 : Pic of the day

These shoes leave me speechless........Am sure if you are a girl anywhere in this world u will agree with me that these shoes are to die for. From the colors to the heel, am sure doesn't get more better.....They are just perfect and this comes from a person who doesnt do heels unless its a special occassion.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Jokate inspires me.....

Jokate inspires me.....

#SKYISTHELIMIT  for this lovely fashionista. Am so proud of her. Her hairline is so good.....kweli amewaza hapa.....Hongera sana Jokate...Am trully inspired and i believe am not the only one.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Smilling at the end of the day

Smilling at the end of the day

First, i would like to thank my good Lord for everything that he has done to me,for everything that he has prevented me from.....thank u God.
  This past week was a bad week for me and my friends Jackee and Mingas.I would like to thank God again that it has passed and we are alive and well.
Lesson ;Life is so short and unpredictable, You can be here in one moment  and  there in like seconds, just remember to be grateful for everything because what happens and what does not happen in your life. Its all because of God's good plans.
I have lost my favorite friend this week, that is MY BLACKBERRY,things like phones are very minor things in life until you loose them in such a scary and life threatening manner. The truth is i miss my phone terribly cause i was so attached to it...and am very much hoping to get a new one (I hope my mom is reading this,lol) though i don't think i will love it as much as i loved my stolen phone.

Advice : Life is not as simple as we all think it is (for those who think life is simple). There is nothing good in this world like living a true and peaceful life,the one that friendship and respect are the most important things.Petty beefs and childish hating games wont take anyone anywhere,this goes to the ladies especially because we do this thinking it will make us more superior than others but in real sense it doesn't..am just tired of seeing women/girls hating each other just because "somebody dresses better than you" coz that is like the major reason with us girls.#SISTERHOOD is what will take us far not anything else. My experience of this past week has taught me this very important lesson that i had to share with my readers and am hoping it will change you as much as it changed me . Just remember in a split of a second your life can change drastically so if you treat people like the way you want to be treated you wont ever run out of people to share good and bad moments with you

                                          love Lynllel
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Econ - Fashionista ( Beauty and  Brains ) :p

Econ - Fashionista ( Beauty and Brains ) :p

I love spending my Saturdays looking  very casual yet fashionable so a neon vest, turquoise high low skirt, cute black flats and my black biker blazer did the trick for me today.....
They say knowledge is power but imagine the limitless power you'll get if mix a little bit of beauty and fashion with education 'beautiful combination, right???" so that's what am aiming for. Ambition is the new sexy and i have a whole package of that  right now. Life is not a joke and am not gonna treat it like one.I need to study to be somebody in life, to make a difference and bring change,whether its in the fashion world or any other place in this world even at the moon if possible (sky is the limit)................. And i know education is my only way out,the only inheritance i have from my mother so i don't let anything or anyone get in between me and my education....

By the way i have test on Tuesday so please for Lynllel.....LOL,am serious though PRAY for yo girl!!
      Wishing a blessed time
                                love Lynllel
Friday, November 9, 2012
Favorite Blogger of the week

Favorite Blogger of the week

Author of the blog : Fashionista Next Door

What i have learnt from my fellow blogger is that fashion can be on budget. If you cant afford all the Gucci and Prada's wear something which is within your budget. Fashion might have a price tag but fashionistas don't. So if fashion is what you love and you have a passion for , don't be scared to go cheap  because as long as you look good, nothing else matters.

Randomssss :)

Randomssss :)

It has been a while (4days),it feels like years though.I have been so busy this week with school and tests not that am done been busy...No! but am gonna be posting at least "well wish note"everyday when i get time out of my super busy schedule, that way i don't feel like i have abandoned my baby(blog)..Am grateful to be still alive and well with all these stress in my head.Anywho,enough with me pouring my stress on you.
The above are some of my friends and me representing "fashionable " we all look super cute...i know!LOL
hope you like it
love lynllel

Sunday, November 4, 2012
My first gig as a stylist.......

My first gig as a stylist.......

Client : Mj
In   Electric blue pencil dress
     A gold waist belt
     Blue and Orange pumps
     Accessories ;Earrings and brochure

My first gig as a stylist and i enjoyed every bit of it........lol
 Being a stylist is not an easy job,that part i know but What i have is willingness to take this journey,to learn and to teach all i know about fashion and if all goes well(i pray it does)....i will probably infuse a little bit of economics in fashion......"the Econ-Fashionista". #TeamBigDreamers
Hope you like my work......*WINK*
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Embracing  A Trend : Lynllel and Chiffon

Embracing A Trend : Lynllel and Chiffon

The collection

Denim meets chiffon

Floral kinda peplum chiffon blouse

Chiffon vest blouse

Long sleeve purple chiffon blouse
My favorite chiffon

collared vest chiffon blouse

Tangerine striped Chiffon

Lace and polka dots meets Chiffon
I dont know why i love this one

Polka dots chiffon blouse

Boyfriend chiffon shirt
I know i have over embraced this trend but what can a girl do!! I love what i love and i wear what i love...,hahaha! I hope you like my collection!

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